When you have no choice but to take the greatest care Last year my good friend and student had what we Brits might describe... more
Principles of Training in the Ecole de Légèreté There are a series of clear principles that those of us training in... more
Principle 1 – Work on the lunge replaces the single pillar For those of us in the U.K who haven’t studied European classical... more
The time it takes, and then some I have been doing some internal wrestling recently about the clinic... more
How I Lost My Confidence (and got it back again) When you make your living from horses it’s quite hard to admit... more
A Bridlepath Less Travelled Several years ago my Dad introduced me to M Scott Peck’s book, ‘A... more
Show Your Horse How to Say Yes…So He Can Say No One of the biggest challenges I have when trying to assess horses is... more
What Kind of Animal is a Human? Part Two Following on from part 1, in which many miles on the motorway looking... more
What Kind of Animal is a Human? Part One I have spent most of this year looking for a horse. I have seen a LOT... more
Why You Didn’t Buy the Wrong Horse There are two things I shouldn’t do. Well there are loads of things... more
That Which Unites Us, Not What Divides Us This week has not been a brilliant one for the human race. A... more
Karen Musson. My Thoughts and Other Ramblings Last weekend I was privileged enough to host Karen Musson who came... more
All I Want for Christmas I was talking with my friend recently about what horse she might like... more