Week 1 - Skills and Competencies
Week 2 - Attention, Connection, Thresholds
Week 3- Riding, Leading, Sending
Week 4 - Direction, Speed, Destination
Week 5 - Consolidate Week
Week 6 - The Aids, a Practical Application
Week 7 - Energy (inc. Speed)
Week 8 - Hacking in Company
Week 9 - What's Out There in the World. Traffic, Sheep and other hazards
Week 10 - Planning for our Future , What Next?
Week 2 – Introduction
This lesson is not available to view yet, check out the schedule below for details on when all the lessons will be accessible;
Week 1 - April 15th
Week 2 - April 22nd
Week 3 - April 29th
Week 4 - May 6th
Week 5 - May 13th
Week 6 - May 20th
Week 7 - May 27th
Week 8 - June 3rd
Week 9 - June 10th
Week 10 - June 17th