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Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Kathleen Beckham - Tying Up
Special for Ethos Equine - The Snaffle Bit
Kelly Marks - Her life with Horses
Kate Mobbs Morgan- Life of a female horse logger
Donna Blinman - Emotions in the Horse-Human Relationship
Dave Genadek - About the Horse Saddle Fit
Ciara Gaisher - LAIM system for managing arthritis
Lily Wilson MRCVS - Ethical Essential Care
Di Neale - Fair Weather Riders, reforming procrastinators
Kara Moses - Tracks and Signs
Elsa Sinclair - Freedom Based Training
Liana Upton - Sit Well
Jane Cumberlidge - Bridle fit
Karen Musson - More Connection, Less Correction
Nikki Stephens - Your horse's conformation part 2
The Bosal with Kathleen Lindley Beckham
Bonny Mealand - Learning Wild
Anna Bonnage - young horses and more
Jane Cumberlidge - Bits, bridles, and the equine head
Sylvia Stössel - Legerete Master Teacher. Her life so far.
Know your Horse's body part 1- with Helen Tompkins
Know your Horse's Body Part 2 - with Helen Tompkins
Nikki Stephens- Conformation
Kathleen Beckham, a story of body and mind Dec 2022
Kathleen Beckham - A Fresh Take on Straightness
Steve Faulkner - Mastery for Mortals
Helen Stowell _ SUREFOOT pads
Tina Fitzgibbon - Lessons from Dissections
Rachel North - Whole Horse Foot Health
Two Traditions with Kathleen Lindley Beckham
Two Traditions Part 2
Mark Fuller - A Horseman's Journey
Mark Fuller Q & A March 2022
Jane Pike - Introduction to Movement Arcs
Jane Pike - Mind, Movement and the Nervous System
Kathleen Beckham – A Fresh Take on Straightness
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