Premium Coaching - tell me more...
If you are looking for focused support to develop, learn and explore then this is the place for you.
Premium coaching courses give you access to more personal support from me, and individual guidance about your horse.
Courses are typically 6-8 weeks long with worksheets, weekly webinars, and an exclusive Premium Coaching community.
Premium Coaching courses include:
Dream of setting out in the world with your horse; journeying, exploring, sharing freedom and fresh air as a partnership? Learn the fundamentals you'll need to have in place for this to be a pleasurable experience for both of you. £295 for non members, £265 for members. Book your place now, start date April 15th
Open July 2025- join waiting list
It can be really tough to know ‘what to do’ when you head into the arena. This course will provide you with a blueprint for schooling.
Currently closed - join waiting list
Premium Coaching – why choose this?
Students tell me there are periods in their life when they want extra support. Or, there is something specific that they would like to work on. Premium Coaching courses are an opportunity to really deep dive into what's going on with you and your horse, either to learn more about what you both need, or progress something in particular. This is something I have taken a lot of care to craft in response to what people have told me they want.
The Premium Coaching courses are a series of structured curriculum's relating to different topics, which we work through together as a small group. Students send in videos for feedback, and each week there will be a Q & A. My experience is that really focusing for a committed period of time can make a huge difference to how things are between you (and your horse).
The groups will never be large, and personal support from me is high. Feedback from the Premium coaching groups has been extremely positive...
Student Reviews
Premium Coaching course dates for 2022 will be announced soon
Please join the waiting list for any of the above courses that interest you.