What is the essence of the membership programme?

My passion is to make good horsemanship and high-quality classical training available to anyone, regardless of their background or level of experience. Anyone can become their horse’s best teacher.

We all want a good relationship with our horse. Most of us also want to know how to ‘school’ him to be in balance, and to stay sound and comfortable in his work. And safety is also a key feature: how can I stay safe and how can my horse stay safe, but without using punishment, force and fear?

It can feel really overwhelming when you look at where you are now and where you would like to get to. However, with a logical, systematic approach to understanding your individual horse it can be a fun journey of curiosity, learning and exploration.

What this membership provides is a step-by-step way of assessing what your horse needs, with practical guidance and support. This is blended with the development of good feel, and a deep dive into how horses’ feel and think.   We also take care of humans; what do we need to be the best human for our horses and importantly, ourselves.

Whether you want to ride to high school, do working equitation, hack to the pub with your friends, travel your horse happily – the principles are the same; ethical training with respect for the horse at it’s heart. When you understand these principles, you can make informed decisions about what to do from day to day with your horse. AND, you can access a community of like-minded people and advice from experts in their field.

Practical, easy to understand, fun, good humoured – a place for all horses and humans

Membership Programme - What do I get?

A curriculum combining French Classical training and high quality horsemanship

  • THREE 'Get Started' modules + TWELVE ADDITIONAL ready to learn subjects ranging from basic handling to developing collection. Learning modules consist of clear, practical instructional videos, recordings of Q&A sessions with current members and recordings of Masterclasses with current members
  • New content uploaded EVERY TWO WEEKS theory, worksheets, step by step guidance for both you and your horse
  • A thriving and supportive members-only FACEBOOK COMMUNITY
  • REGULAR WEBINARS with guest speakers covering a range of related topics – exclusive to this group
  • Masterclasses for members EVERY TWO MONTHS
  • DISCOUNTED prices for members on clinics, lessons and courses

What Members Say... (
