Latest Videos

March   2024

Rest and Digest

1. Elsa Sinclair - Freedom Based Training - Can be found under 'Guest Speakers'

2. This months Q & A can be found under Q & A's.

3. Fb Lives this month cover Anxiety and Speed, The Double Bridle and Energy from other horses. These can be found  HERE

4. Kara Moses - Tracks and Signs and how this ancestral skill can be useful for our time with horses. In Guest Speakers

5. Winter Tit bit- How to help a haltered horse learn to slow down using balance and space.   This can be found in Winter Tit Bits


February   2024

Rest and Digest

1. Elsa Sinclair - Freedom Based Training - Can be found under 'Guest Speakers'

2. This months Q & A can be found under Q & A's.

3. Fb Lives this month cover Anxiety and Speed, The Double Bridle and Energy from other horses. These can be found  HERE

4. Kara Moses - Tracks and Signs and how this ancestral skill can be useful for our time with horses. In Guest Speakers

5. Winter Tit bit- How to help a haltered horse learn to slow down using balance and space.   This can be found in Winter Tit Bits


January   2024

Rest and Digest

1. Winter Tit Bit - Developing your touch -  a version of cranial sacral mash up. In Winter Tit Bit

2. Bridle Fit with the gold mine of knowledge which is Jane Cumberlidge.  Can be watched in Guest Speakers

3. This months Q & A. can be found here under Q & A's

4. Straightness. - a case study with a Right Bent Horse. This can be found under Straightness.

5. Sit Well Method with Liana Upton can be found in Guest Speakers

6. The Quiet Minded Horse with member Di Neale can be found under Your Horse's Emotional Life 


December   2023

 Rest and Digest

1. More Connection, less Connection with the incredible Karen Musson. You can watch her in Guest Speakers

2. Intention, Energy and Connection - with Manda Scott. including a wonderful meditation. In Guest Speakers

3. My horse's thoracic sling - how do I know how best to support them? A short skit with all horses, which can be found in 'Body Work'

4. This months Q & A can be found here under Q & A's 


November  2023

Rest and Digest

1. The Bosal with Kathleen Lindley Beckham - the history and application of this valuable bit of equipment - in Guest Speakers 

2.Your Horse's Conformation Part 2 - with Nikki Stephens - can be found in Guest Speakers. You can also watch Part 1 there!

3. This month we had 2 Q & A's, you can find them here in Q & A's


October  2023

 Active and Engaged Pathway - Moving the Shoulders . These videos can be found  together under 'Video Pathways' 

1. One the ground -Move your shoulders around me can be found under "Foundational Ground work'

2, On the ground -Move your shoulders with a released neck - this video can be found under 'Foundational Ground work'

3.  Under Saddle - use the environment to move the shoulders - this can under 'Foundational Riding'

4. Under Saddle - the 3/4 line to the fence - This video is In 'Foundational Riding

September  2023

 Active and Engaged Pathway - Haltering and Leading. These videos can be found  together under 'Video Pathways' 

1. Introduction - Haltering and leading - the why and the how. This can be found under Foundational Ground work

2. All of the leading videos, including members videos can be found here under Foundations - Ground work 

3. Some trouble shooting and quality aspects of leading can be found here under  Foundations and Ground Work

, i

4. Jaw mobilisation - a live from a hot car. What is it, why is it important, what can we do in relationship to it? This can be found in 'Your horse's emotional life'

August  2023

1 Guest Speaker - Anna Bonnage. - young horses, Harry Whitney and a life with horses. Watch her in Guest Speakers 

2. Guest Speaker - Bonny Mealand - Taming Wild, what can we learn from free roaming horses?  You can watch a Q & A and two wonderful videos from Bonny here in Guest Speakers

July  2023

1 Cantering on the lunge - where to start? This can be found under 'Gymnastic Lunging'

2. Carter under saddle - where to start can be found under the new section "The Basic Gaits'

3. Canter -  Strike off idea. Using neck rein turns and Travers - can be found in 'The Basic Gaits'


June 2023

1 How do I work out what to do with my horse??? A short description of a more 'free form' learning process. This can be found under 'Masterclasses'  and the Introduction

2. Bits, bridles and the equine head, with the amazing Jane Cumberlidge. This video can be found in Guest speakers.

3. What  is 'in' a gate?  What skills does your horse need to be able to manage different gates with different requirements.  This can be found in 'Foundation Ground work'

May  2023

1. Know your horse's body Part 2 - The Thoracic limb with Helen Tompkins - can be found in Guest Speakers.

2. Podcast shorts - thoughts from clinics  can be found on the members only podcast

3. Canter - an introduction. This can be found in Masterclasses and also under 'Ease of Movement'

4. A Q & A with Helen Tompkins can be found under 'Guest Speakers'

April  2023

1 Raising the neck and extending the neck. What do you need to know as a rider?  This lesson is the 2nd part of a series of 3 and can be found in Masterclasses.

2. Maddie, Harvey and Nikki- a lesson looking at balance and activity and finding the sweet spot between the two.  This video can be found under 'Masterclasses

3. Nicola and Manni - using different exercises to help a lovely Friesian extend her neck. This can be found in Ease of Movement 

4. Poll release though lateral flexion. A small technique with a big impact. This can be found in horse and human body work

5  April Q & A's Part 1 & 2 can be found in Q & A's


March  2023

1. Putting a draw on a horse, this can be found in 'My horse's emotional life

2. Travers under saddle - where to start? This video is Part 2 under Lateral Work - The Half Pass Family - Travers 

3. How does a horse really bend? And what do we need to know about the truth of their bodies to make sense of training them? This video can be found in 'Straightness' and the whole series in 'Masterclasses'

4. Stop when my feet stop, and how to explain whether your horse should move OR not, when you move your feet, This video can be found in Foundational Ground work 

5. March Part 1 Q & A - weather stopped play! Part 2 can also be found in Q & A's


February  2023

1. The Legerete Training Wheel -  Where do I start and where to go next? This can be found in  the  Introduction module and Q & A's

2. Travers under saddle - where to start. This video can be found in Lateral work

3. Leading and sending from a block. A winter Tit bit which can be found under 'Foundations and Ground work'

4. February Part 2 Q & A can be found  under Q & A's


January  2023

1. A Winter Tit Bit - Perky Pecs  - can be found in Horse and Human Massage 

2. A Winter Tit bit - poll bounce can be found in Horse and Human Massage 

3. The Half Pass family, beginning in-hand with Travers. This can be found in Lateral work

4. January Q & A Part 1 &  2- Can be found under Q & A's


December  2022

1. The Half Pass Family, an introduction.  This can be found in 'Lateral Work'

2. Improving your leading.  Linking the hind legs up with the halter. In Foundational Basics - leading

3. A Story of Body and Mind with Kathleen Lindley Beckham - Can be found under Guest Speakers

4. Decembers Q & A  Parts 1 & 2 - Can be found under Q & A's


November  2022

1. A little exercise for horses that roll over their inside shoulder. This can be found with Charlotte's lesson and under 'Straightness'

2. November Q & A Part 1, Which can be found in Q & A's3.  Part 2 is on the podcast and is called "Movement and Mind'

3. Some ridden exercises to help open up the shoulders.  Can be found under Rider lessons and Straightness Troubleshooting. 

4. Des and Sylvia Stossel, this can be found under 'Developing Collection


October   2022

1.Neck rein turns - Part 3 under saddle . Can be found in Balance - Neck rein turns.

2. October Part 1 & (a Contact special) 2 Q & A can be found in Q & A's

3 Video lesson 1 with Charlotte and Filou can be found in Masterclasses 


September  2022

1.Neck rein turns - an introduction. Can be found in Balance 

2. September Q & A Part 1 an be found in Q & A's

3. Neck Rein turns. Part 2. In-hand. This  can be found in Balance

4. September Q & A Part 2 can be found in Q & A'as


August  2022

1.Neck Extension - what is it?  Why is it beneficial and why is it hard for some horses? Can be found in Ease of movement 

2. August Q & A Part 1. Fleche droit and neck rein turns - what the dickens? Can be found in Q & A's

3. Shoulder-In on a circle, trouble shooting for the rider. Can be found in Lateral work

4.  Jane Pike, Mindset, Movement and the Nervous System, can be found in Guest Speaker 


July  2022

1. Demi Arret and Action-reaction, part 1. How do we make sure these aids are clearly understood by us and our horse and how to avoid mistakes. This can be found in Balance.

2, July Q & A Part 1, Training under saddle, on the lunge and in-hand, Can be found in Q & A's

3. Young horse skills - being able to 'send' your horse. This can be found in 'Foundational skills'

4. Jane Pike - An Introduction to the Movement Arcs, This can be found in Guest speakers 

5. 5. July Q & A Part 2 -  practical skills and your horse's emotional life can be found in Q & A's


June  2022

1. Managing speed on the way home. Hills and friends, how to help your horse with both. This video is part of the Art of Hacking, so must be viewed directly on Vimeo

2. Liberty - where to start. Inspired by Frederic Pignon, Luis and I begin at the very beginning! This video can be found in Gymnastic Lunging and Liberty

3. Two short videos on putting the bridle on and taking it off. You can say some important things to your horse if you do this with care. These videos can be found in 'Ground work and daily handling'

4.This month Q & A can be found in Q & A's and on the podcast.

5. An Introduction to Legerete - some of the fundamental principles can be found in Introduction 


May  2022

1. What does a young horse need to know? Well, leading is going to be important - so begin this with attention to attention. This can be found in Foundational Handling

2. The human side of the story. Dealing with 'What other people think about me' can be found in Masterclasses

3. Understanding your horse's body Part 1 - the spine. With Helen Tompkins. Can be found in Guest Speakers.

4. A summary of the "What is Healthy Movement in the Ridden Horse' demonstration, which includes pointers to other videos. This can be found in Ease of Movement 

5. May Q & A. can be found in Q & A's and Masterclasses


April  2022

1. Ellesar and the spray. Introducing horses to things of concern, can be found in 'My horse's Emotional LIfe'

2. Shoulder-In on a straight line, an introduction. This can be found in Lateral Work.

3. Shoulder -In, in-hand. Starting on the ground can be useful for you and your horse. This can be found in Lateral work

4. This months Q & A was a corker! Lots of great questions from members. This can be found here


March  2022

1. Using the flag to provoke curiosity  -  the starting point for horses who are inclined to panic about 'things with energy'  This video is No 3  in Flags under your, 'Horse's Emotional Life'.

2. Mark Fuller - A Horseman's journey, Part 1. Can be found in Guest Speakers

3. Bringing a Horse Back into work - Part 1. Can be found in Horse and Human body work

4. Mark Fuller - Q & A can be found in Guest Speakers 


February  2022

1. Separation Anxiety - a Discussion. This video can be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

2. Separation Anxiety - Q & A. A deeper dive, which can also be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

3. Flags, the good, bad and interesting. An Introduction. When to use them and why? Can be found in  Your Horse's Emotional Life

4. Two practical videos showing uses of the flag. To be watched alongside the Introduction. Can be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

5. Flags Q & A - can be found in Q & A's


January  2022

1. Winter Tit Bit  #5   - My favourite fascial slide . This can be found in  Horse and Human Body work

2. Two Traditions - Part Two. With Kathleen Lindley Beckham can be found in Guest Speakers 

3. Winter Tit Bit #6. Where's my mojo gone?  Some thoughts and ideas can be found in Q & A's and Master Classes


December    2021

1. Winter Tit Bit # 3 - The riders feet. This can be found in  Horse and Human Body work

2. Two Traditions Part 1 with Kathleen Beckham can be found in Guest Speakers 

3. Winter Tit Bit # 4. Following Hands can be found in Horse and Human Body Work



November   2021

1.  Lateral Flexion. Under saddle Including Flechi Droit can be found in The Rein Aids 

2. Winter Tit Bit #1 - A tail release - which can be found under 'Body Work

3. Winter Tit Bit # 2 - Hand walking  and it's many benefits  can be found in Foundations, ground work and handling



October  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'The Language of the Aids'.

1. Action- Reaction. An Introduction can be found in: The Rein Aids

2, Action- Reaction. Part 2 Can be found in The Rein Aids, under Action-Reaction

3. Lateral Flexion. An Introduction, can be found in The Rein Aids 



September  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'The Language of the Aids'.

1. The Rein aids - a recap. How do they all fit together? Can be found in The Rein Aids

2. Demi Arrêt - can be found in The Rein Aids 


August  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Rehabilitation and Massage' - Case studies  and also Straightness - case studies

1. Using the Principles of Legerete in a rehabilitation programme. Fuego Part 1.

2. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 2

3. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 3

4. Fuego with Vroni - using collecting exercises to improve posture


July 2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

1. Supermarket Horsemanship - A foggy live with some ideas to improve your awareness

2.  Paying attention to attention. Does your horse know you're there? Start small to help your horse find you.

3. Helping your horse learn to 'hang out', and reduce barging by not provoking it. 

4. Separation Anxiety - step 1. Helping horses get comfortable with being apart.


June 2021

`The Rehabilitation of Laddy with Nikki Stephens

1. Introduction to Laddy can be found in Rehabilitation and Body work > Case Studies 

2. Various Exercises  Nikki has been using to help Laddy can be found in  Rehabilitation. and Body Work > Case Studies

May 2021

A month of rehabilitation exercises, starting with 

1 - The Gym  - this can be found in Rehabilitation and Body Work > The Gym

2. Rein Back on slopes can be found HERE

3. Fascial Release - the butter melt  can be found HERE

4. Tongue and Hyoid Release can be found HERE

April 2021

1. Proving guidance to reduces anxiety
- This is with Luis and can be found in the My horse's emotional life > Giving guidance to Luis’s feet to help with anxiety

2. How much to ask regarding posture, balance and contact when out hacking - with Des. Click here or go to The Great Outdoors - Hacking > Staying connected to my horse

3. Staying Connected with my horse out hacking - with Des, click here or go to The Great Outdoor - Hacking > Hacking - posture, balance and contact

4 - Reducing Anxiety around hard food. My horse's emotional life > Anxiety about hard food

March  2022

1. Using the flag to provoke curiosity  -  the starting point for horses who are inclined to panic about 'things with energy'  This video is No 3  in Flags under your, 'Horse's Emotional Life'.

2. Mark Fuller - A Horseman's journey, Part 1. Can be found in Guest Speakers

3. Bringing a Horse Back into work - Part 1. Can be found in Horse and Human body work

4. Mark Fuller - Q & A can be found in Guest Speakers 


February  2022

1. Separation Anxiety - a Discussion. This video can be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

2. Separation Anxiety - Q & A. A deeper dive, which can also be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

3. Flags, the good, bad and interesting. An Introduction. When to use them and why? Can be found in  Your Horse's Emotional Life

4. Two practical videos showing uses of the flag. To be watched alongside the Introduction. Can be found in 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

5. Flags Q & A - can be found in Q & A's


January  2022

1. Winter Tit Bit  #5   - My favourite fascial slide . This can be found in  Horse and Human Body work

2. Two Traditions - Part Two. With Kathleen Lindley Beckham can be found in Guest Speakers 

3. Winter Tit Bit #6. Where's my mojo gone?  Some thoughts and ideas can be found in Q & A's and Master Classes


December    2021

1. Winter Tit Bit # 3 - The riders feet. This can be found in  Horse and Human Body work

2. Two Traditions Part 1 with Kathleen Beckham can be found in Guest Speakers 

3. Winter Tit Bit # 4. Following Hands can be found in Horse and Human Body Work



November   2021

1.  Lateral Flexion. Under saddle Including Flechi Droit can be found in The Rein Aids 

2. Winter Tit Bit #1 - A tail release - which can be found under 'Body Work

3. Winter Tit Bit # 2 - Hand walking  and it's many benefits  can be found in Foundations, ground work and handling



October  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'The Language of the Aids'.

1. Action- Reaction. An Introduction can be found in: The Rein Aids

2, Action- Reaction. Part 2 Can be found in The Rein Aids, under Action-Reaction

3. Lateral Flexion. An Introduction, can be found in The Rein Aids 



September  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'The Language of the Aids'.

1. The Rein aids - a recap. How do they all fit together? Can be found in The Rein Aids

2. Demi Arrêt - can be found in The Rein Aids 


August  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Rehabilitation and Massage' - Case studies  and also Straightness - case studies

1. Using the Principles of Legerete in a rehabilitation programme. Fuego Part 1.

2. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 2

3. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 3

4. Fuego with Vroni - using collecting exercises to improve posture


July 2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

1. Supermarket Horsemanship - A foggy live with some ideas to improve your awareness

2.  Paying attention to attention. Does your horse know you're there? Start small to help your horse find you.

3. Helping your horse learn to 'hang out', and reduce barging by not provoking it. 

4. Separation Anxiety - step 1. Helping horses get comfortable with being apart.


June 2021

`The Rehabilitation of Laddy with Nikki Stephens

1. Introduction to Laddy can be found in Rehabilitation and Body work > Case Studies 

2. Various Exercises  Nikki has been using to help Laddy can be found in  Rehabilitation. and Body Work > Case Studies

May 2021

A month of rehabilitation exercises, starting with 

1 - The Gym  - this can be found in Rehabilitation and Body Work > The Gym

2. Rein Back on slopes can be found HERE

3. Fascial Release - the butter melt  can be found HERE

4. Tongue and Hyoid Release can be found HERE

April 2021

1. Proving guidance to reduces anxiety
- This is with Luis and can be found in the My horse's emotional life > Giving guidance to Luis’s feet to help with anxiety

2. How much to ask regarding posture, balance and contact when out hacking - with Des. Click here or go to The Great Outdoors - Hacking > Staying connected to my horse

3. Staying Connected with my horse out hacking - with Des, click here or go to The Great Outdoor - Hacking > Hacking - posture, balance and contact

4 - Reducing Anxiety around hard food. My horse's emotional life > Anxiety about hard food

August  2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Rehabilitation and Massage' - Case studies  and also Straightness - case studies

1. Using the Principles of Legerete in a rehabilitation programme. Fuego Part 1.

2. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 2

3. Using the Principles of Legerete Fuego Part 3

4. Fuego with Vroni - using collecting exercises to improve posture


July 2021

All of this months videos can be found under 'Your Horse's Emotional Life'

1. Supermarket Horsemanship - A foggy live with some ideas to improve your awareness

2.  Paying attention to attention. Does your horse know you're there? Start small to help your horse find you.

3. Helping your horse learn to 'hang out', and reduce barging by not provoking it. 

4. Separation Anxiety - step 1. Helping horses get comfortable with being apart.


June 2021

`The Rehabilitation of Laddy with Nikki Stephens

1. Introduction to Laddy can be found in Rehabilitation and Body work > Case Studies 

2. Various Exercises  Nikki has been using to help Laddy can be found in  Rehabilitation. and Body Work > Case Studies

May 2021

A month of rehabilitation exercises, starting with 

1 - The Gym  - this can be found in Rehabilitation and Body Work > The Gym

2. Rein Back on slopes can be found HERE

3. Fascial Release - the butter melt  can be found HERE

4. Tongue and Hyoid Release can be found HERE

April 2021

1. Proving guidance to reduces anxiety
- This is with Luis and can be found in the My horse's emotional life > Giving guidance to Luis’s feet to help with anxiety

2. How much to ask regarding posture, balance and contact when out hacking - with Des. Click here or go to The Great Outdoors - Hacking > Staying connected to my horse

3. Staying Connected with my horse out hacking - with Des, click here or go to The Great Outdoor - Hacking > Hacking - posture, balance and contact

4 - Reducing Anxiety around hard food. My horse's emotional life > Anxiety about hard food