I also write training articles and they can be found here.
"We Need to Talk About Remy"
Part 1… As some of you may know, my last few months have not exactly gone according to... more
"23rd July 2015"
I keep reading that Winston Churchill quote about the definition of success being going from failure to failure... more
"How to Make God Laugh?"
Tell Him what you and your horse are going to do this year. There are three things of... more
"A Horse that Suits or…."
'Other people's treasures glitter and twinkle, mine won't go through puddles and spooks at gateways' I have had... more
"It Depends"
’It depends’ is something horse trainers say which used to wind me up good and proper. I thought... more
"It Just Am Are"
My close friends famous son was apparently known to give this response when questioned as a child as... more
"Ladies…All the Ladies"
When people ask me who my main horsey influences I am likely to reply; Philippe Karl, Mark Rashid,... more
"Ask Not What Your Horse Can Do For You"
(Or) …How my horses have saved the NHS a fortune I hear a lot of people talk about... more
"Weasel Words"
Throughout my life words have been pretty important (punctuation less so…). I studied American literature (if anyone asks... more
"The Pan Within"
Over the past few years it has become gradually clear to me that a band I swooned over... more
"Why Worry?"
Why worry? I recently read a couple of books which have highlighted to me one of the things... more
"The Magic Bullet – A Fairy Tale"
The Magic Bullet is something Tom and Sarah told me about, and it holds the key to excellent... more
"Being Mindful"
There is a current trend amongst health, social care and education professionals to encourage ‘mindfulness’ practice. Just like... more
"How Many Lusitanos Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?"
I think the punchline to the joke currently going around facebook is, ‘Get the housekeeper to do it,... more
"In Honour of Teachers and Friends"
I thought it was fitting to write a post on the day I leave Dartmoor with three of... more
"Gadgets, and Why I Hate Them"
I want to discuss gadgets or ‘training aids;, and the reasons why I hate them. By gadgets I... more
"The Reason there are so Many Good Horses in Spain"
...Is because they eat Salami. This is one of my favourite overheard comments from last weeks clinic. It... more